Where are you located?
We are located in Orange Park, Florida - 20 minutes from Jacksonville, FL.
What is a Golden Doodle?
Are you considering getting a Goldendoodle or just someone curious about exactly what this new popular breed is? You’re not alone if you’ve heard the term and asked “Golden-what?” We’re going to help clear up the confusion regarding this elite breed of dog so you can walk away feeling like an expert even if you’ve never seen a Goldendoodle before now.
A Goldendoodle is a hybrid breed- a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. They have also been known by names such as Goldie Poos, Golden Poos, and Groodles. This breed has what is known as “hybrid vigor” and the term refers to the phenomenon of a hybrid breed becoming stronger, healthier and more resilient than the original two breeds. They have been bred in North America since about the early to mid nineties and they are growing more and more popular.
How do I adopt one of your puppies?
The first thing to do when interested in adopting one of our puppies is to explore our site and to make sure you have read over all the important information.
Next, you will fill out a puppy application form (located at the bottom of every page on website) so we can better decide if a doodle is the best fit for you and your family and what puppy would work best in your home. After you fill out the application, we will be in contact with you via email. If you haven't heard from me within 7 days of submitting the form, please send me a text 904-537-3698. Sometimes the server does not send me the completed form.
Next, you will submit a deposit ($300) to be placed on my wait list for an upcoming or current litter (please let me know the generation, size, color and sex you are interested in). Once puppies are born, you will receive your pick order. We will send out photos each week and very helpful information for when you bring your puppy home. You will also be invited to join your litter's personal Facebook group so you can watch them as they grow! We'll let you know how they are progressing. All immunizations and dewormings are done as per vet's schedule, and socialization starts the day the puppies are born with much human handling as well as Neurological Stimulation. You will feel completely prepared and ready once it's time to transition the puppy from my home to yours.
Puppies are selected face to face when the puppies are 8 weeks old in the order in which I received your deposit. It is relatively easy to provide everyone with a gentle-natured Goldendoodle because our puppies take this quality from their parents - our puppies are well known for sweet dispositions and people-loving personalities. The balance on the puppy is due when the puppy is 5-weeks old if paying by check or money order. After puppies are 5 weeks old, only cash is accepted for remaining balance.
Puppies may not go to their forever homes until they are 8 weeks old (puppy selection day).
Be sure to have a checkup appointment scheduled with your vet within 72 hours of taking them home. Remember that puppies should not go out in public until they have had all of their immunizations - this is a must! No public parks, walks in the neighborhood or obedience training outside the home. Some people get an in-home trainer to come and work with the puppy and all the family members, then continue with obedience training classes later when the puppy has had all immunizations.
Can I pick my own puppy?
Yes! You will pick your puppy and take them home at 8 weeks old. Because doodles are well known for their sweet dispositions and loving personalities, all you need to do is let me know the generation, size, color and sex of the puppy you are interested in adopting.
What is included in the purchase price?
Our Goldendoodles are priced at $2,000 for a standard F1 (first generation), $2,400.00 for mini/medium F1, $2,200.00 for standard F1b, $2,600.00 for mini/medium F1b, & $2,800.00 for petite F1b. This price includes age appropriate shots for the puppy, a vet inspection, regular dewormings, a 24- month written guarantee, a sample of food, one month free pet insurance, slip leash, a toy with the scent of your puppies litter mates as well as a packet of information that is helpful to any new puppy owner. You will be given the health record from our vet on your puppy.
*Prices are subject to change for any given litter until they are born and you have accepted to join the offered litter.
How do I qualify for a 3-year extension to my Health Guarantee?
We feel so strongly about health and wellness of your puppy that we offer an "additional" THREE year health guarantee, total of 60 months, if you keep your puppy on an Auto Ship Order of the food we use and recommend. To honor this offer you must order within 10 days of taking ownership of your new puppy. If you choose to end using our recommended food choice, or not order, the guarantee extension ends at that time.
Feeding a high quality, all natural diet helps your pup develop a healthy coat, fight off allergies, and prevent many of the health issues that are not covered by vaccines, thereby extending your dog’s longevity. The foods we feed and recommend have never been recalled and use only the highest quality ingredients.
Are the dew claws removed from the puppies?
No. It is not necessary to remove your pets dew claws. Here is an article explaining their use and why they should remain intact: https://www.caninesports.com/uploads/1/5/3/1/15319800/dewclaw_explanation__csp_revised_.pdf
What type of food are you feeding the puppy?
We feel very strongly about keeping your puppy as healthy as possible and we feel that providing this premium, holistically formulated dog food will ensure your dog’s nutritional health and long-life! So many dogs and cats are acquiring serious life-threatening health issues through poor diet and vitamin deficiency. The food we feed and recommend provides the optimum nutritional benefits for all life-stages ensuring good health and longevity for your Gratefuldoodles puppy, which is why we are willing to stand behind our health guarantee when you feed this specific line of holistically-formulated dog food only!
How big will the puppies get?
Our Standard Goldendoodles are 45+ pounds. Mini/Medium doodles 30-45lbs. Petite doodles 15-30lbs. However; please keep in mind that doodles are a hybrid and not a "standardized breed" and it is important to note that specific sizes cannot be guaranteed for a grown dog. Buyers must be willing to accept a puppy with the grown weight and heights being only estimates, as there is the possibility for puppies to be more or less than the estimated weight ranges above.
What should I bring to pick up my puppy?
If the trip is going to be more than an hour, it is a good idea to bring some water for your puppy to drink and a crate to carry your puppy in. Plastic bags and paper towels are a good idea just in case the puppy gets car sick or needs to make a potty stop.
When can I pick up my puppy?
Puppies must be a minimum of 8 weeks old when they leave my home. If they need to stay longer because of work or vacation, etc., I charge $20 a day for boarding past 8 weeks old.
When is the puppies next vet appointment?
In our contract we ask that you take your puppy to the vet within 72-hrs of purchase. If the vet finds anything seriously wrong with the puppy you may bring it back (at the buyers expense) and we will replace the puppy or pay for the vet cost up to the price of the puppy (see contract for details) if you wish to keep it. If you do not take the puppy to the vet within 72hrs please note that our contract will then become null and void. KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS!
The puppy will then go to the vet again around 10-wks (no later than 11 wks) of age for it's second set of shots. At this visit your vet will talk to you about his/her preferred vaccination schedule.
The puppy will go for it's final visit no later than 14-16 weeks of age.
Do your puppies shed? What about coat types?
It is impossible for us to 100% guarantee that our puppies won't shed. Some first generation Goldendoodles may shed lightly; some may have moderate shedding. F1 Goldendoodles are compatible for most families with MILD allergies. Most F1 Goldendoodles will have plush, loose wavy or straight coat which makes grooming their coat much easier to maintain. Occasionally, a F1 breeding will produce a more curly coat.
F1B Goldendoodles are recommended for families with moderate to severe allergies. Keep in mind that F1B's will not necessarily look like a poodle or have the temperament of a poodle, the 75% poodle in their generation strictly pertains only to the non-shedding and hypo-allergenic factors. F1B's can have a variety of coat types including, loose wavy, straight & curly. Because of the curlier coat, their coats have to be groomed more often to prevent matting and are harder to maintain than an F1 coat.
What about Allergies?
First generation (F1) Goldendoodles are not recommended for families with moderate to severe allergy issues. While SOME F1's may be allergy friendly, there really is no way to predict which puppies are and which aren't. If you have moderate to severe allergies in your household you should consider an F1B goldendoodle.
Can I breed my new puppy?
NO!!! Spay/Neuter IS Required:
Our puppies are sold as companion pets with limited registration only and we require that they be spayed or neutered before they reach the age of 24 months. We do this to protect our puppies and ensure they are being placed into loving "forever" homes. We require a legally binding spay/neuter contract to be signed. If you are a breeder looking for a puppy to add to your program, please email us, as we may occasionally select an outstanding puppy as a candidate for breeding.
What is your visitor's policy?
We do not allow physical visitation of our puppies until they are 8 weeks old and ready to go home. Due to the recent outbreaks of Parvo virus and it's ability to kill entire litters within days, we have decided that we must limit visitors to those who have reserved or purchased a puppy. The health and safety of our puppies is our first priority. The positive side is that you can be assured that when YOUR puppy is born here, we will do everything possible to minimize his/her exposure to deadly diseases. If you have reserved a puppy and then visit and find anything about us or our dogs unsatisfactory, we will refund your deposit.
In lieu of a physical visit to our home, We will be more than happy to Facetime with potential families or use another form of video chat to show you our puppies. We also provide a personal Facebook page for every litter born so families that have reserved a puppy can watch live videos of them as they grow.
Description of the Goldendoodle:
Since the Goldendoodle is a cross between a Poodle and Golden Retriever, you might be wondering what they look like. The physical appearance can vary greatly according to what generation hybrid you have as well as what parents they were bred from. They can vary in color from cream, gold, tan, chocolate, grey, red, apricot, black, or a mix of any of these colors.
Their coat can vary from a shaggy retriever-looking coat to a curly poodle or anywhere in between. Most Goldendoodles are a fair mix in between the two and are usually low to no shedding which also makes them great for families with allergies or high allergy risk. The length of the coat when left uncut usually falls between four to eight inches.
Generations of the Goldendoodle:
When you talk with a breeder about getting a Goldendoodle, you might hear about the generations of Goldendoodles. This refers to how the dog was bred. For example, a first generation Goldendoodle (referred to as F1) was the first to be bred. This comes from the Golden Retriever and a Poodle, both pure bred.
The backcross Goldendoodle (F1B) comes from crossing a first generation Goldendoodle with a Poodle. Then you may also hear about second generation Goldendoodles (F2) and these come from a Goldendoodle being bred with another Goldendoodle.
Size of the Goldendoodle:
There are different sizes of Goldendoodles, based on the parentage of the dog in question. A good way to predict the size of puppies is to add the weight of the parents together and then divide by two. This is of course, just a general idea and there could be puppies that will fall above and below that line.
While some standard Goldendoodles have grown to more than 100 pounds, the average is as follows:
Standard - A Goldendoodle that is predicted to be 45 lbs or more at adulthood.
Mini/medium - A Goldendoodle that is predicted to be 30-45 lbs at adulthood.
Petite - A Goldendoodle that is predicted to be 15-30 lbs at adulthood.
Living Conditions and Exercise Requirements:
The Goldendoodle is a fairly easy to care for breed which is another thing that makes them so popular. They require a regular, moderate amount of exercise and fairly low coat maintenance (depending on the type of coat). They are very social dogs and love to be around people and are also known for being great with children. The Goldendoodle can live in the city or on a farm with just as much comfort and ease.
Health Concerns/ Life Expectancy:
Because of the hybrid vigor, Goldendoodles are generally very healthy. They are stronger than their parent breeds and live longer. The average life expectancy is around 15 years although some have been known to live longer.
There are no major health concerns for this breed but minor concerns include CHD, PRA, VonWillebrand's, elbow and patella disorders. It is suggested that you have regular tests on the hips, eyes and for VWD to detect possible problems early on.
Goldendoodles need regular grooming and coat care as all dogs do but for most, the maintenance is minimal. For short to medium length coats, you will need very little care. Regular washings and brushings will do just fine. These are usually low allergen risk and safe for most families with mild allergies.
If you have a Goldendoodle with a longer, curlier coat like a poodle, it may require more grooming care. Many owners enjoy styling the coat of their longer haired Goldendoodles and if properly cared for, the hair can grow all the way to the ground. Regardless of which type you have, the hair around the eyes and the genitals should also be neatly clipped and regular combing & brushing will keep the coat shiny all over.
Goldendoodles are a very social breed. They love human interaction and are most likely to get into trouble or have behavior problems when they are left alone with little human contact. They have a strong desire to please which makes them easy to train and they are very loyal to their family.
Goldendoodles are an excellent, well tempered breed that is suitable for most any home. Any owner will testify to how enjoyable they are. Now that you are more informed about this breed, you can make a decision about whether or not they are right for you.
Please note that the support never stops here at Grateful Doodles. We are more than willing to answer any questions at any time regarding your dog. Please never hesitate to call or email. And we would love to get updates and pictures of your puppy with their new family!